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2021-05-31 黃金的巨大進步及其最終的 1 萬美元價格目標

Gold's big strides and its ultimate $10K price target
黃金的巨大進步及其最終的 1 萬美元價格目標

Anna Golubova
Saturday May 29, 2021 12:15
Gold is making some big strides, rising above $1,900 an ounce for the first time since January. And gold bulls now want to see the $2,000 an ounce gold price target happen.
黃金正在取得一些重大進展,自 1 月以來首次升至每盎司 1,900 美元以上。黃金多頭現在希望看到每盎司 2,000 美元的黃金價格目標發生。
Some of the main triggers behind the move are a weaker U.S. dollar and crypto volatility. Here's a look at Kitco's top three stories:
此舉背後的一些主要誘因是美元走弱和加密貨幣波動。以下是 Kitco 的前三個事件:
3. Central banks’ interest in gold is heating up. The International Monetary Fund data show that the Bank of Thailand bought 43.5 tonnes of gold in April.
3. 央行對黃金的興趣正在升溫。國際貨幣基金組織數據顯示,泰國央行4月份購買了43.5噸黃金。
2. Ray Dalio, founder of Bridgewater Associates, said he prefers to own bitcoin over bonds, adding that he now owns some bitcoin. Dalio did not specify how much he owns. But he did say that bitcoin’s biggest risk is its success.
2. Bridgewater Associates 的創始人 Ray Dalio 說他更喜歡持有比特幣而不是債券,並補充說他現在擁有一些比特幣。達里奧沒有具體說明他擁有多少。但他確實說過比特幣最大的風險是它的成功。
1. Gold’s ultimate price target is between $5,000 and $10,000 an ounce, says Guggenheim's CIO Scott Minerd. According to him: “As money leaves crypto and people are still looking for inflation hedges, gold and silver are going to be much better places to go.”
1. 古根海姆的 CIO Scott Minerd 表示,黃金的最終目標價在每盎司 5,000 美元至 10,000 美元之間。據他說:“隨著資金離開加密貨幣,人們仍在尋找通脹對沖,黃金和白銀將成為更好的去處。”
By Anna Golubova
引用來源: Kitco News


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